Queensland Government releases the Queensland Information Technology Contracting (QITC) framework

The Queensland Government has recently released its new information and communications technology (ICT) procurement framework, the Queensland Information Technology Contracting (QITC) framework.

The QITC framework replaces the existing Government Information Technology and Communications (GITC) framework. GITC was developed as a national framework in the 1990s, but in more recent times, state and federal government organisations have moved away from it when changes to GITC failed to keep pace with changing procurement/sourcing strategies and emerging forms of ICT products and services becoming available in the market.

QITC is designed to make Queensland Government procurement simpler and faster, and to cater for newer procurement models including As-a-Service offerings. The new framework: 

  • provides for a choice of four contract types to reflect the risk-value profile for each procurement - the QITC framework overview provides a helpful diagram showing the alignment of these contract types to the risk/value profile; 
  • allows consideration for using supplier terms and conditions for ICT procurements that are low-risk, under $100,000 and satisfy the QITC guidelines; and
  • provides for greater efficiency in procurement time by using standardised contract terms co-designed by Government and industry.

Importantly for ICT suppliers, GITC/QITC framework accreditation is no longer required for ICT procurement. Government agencies will continue to carry out due diligence checks during the final stages of procurement selection. 

Additionally, under the new Queensland Procurement Policy 2017, the pre-qualification exemption for ICT procurement is doubled to $1 million. 

From August 2017, QITC will form the basis for new procurements between the Queensland Government and ICT suppliers. During the 3-month introduction period, agencies will contract under either the QITC or GITC framework. Existing contracts and standing offer arrangements (SOAs) previously formed under GITC will remain in place and can continue to be used for their duration plus any exercised extension periods, unless otherwise terminated earlier in accordance with the contract terms.

In future articles, we will explore the new QITC framework in greater detail.

If you would like more information about transitioning from GITC to QITC, or about buying or selling ICT goods and services under a QITC arrangement, please contact our Intellectual Property team.

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